Friday, October 26, 2012

October 26, 2012

In room 32 this week, in science we started are unit on energy.  Did you know there are two main types
of energy?  one is called kinetic energy. the other one is called potential energy.  Were studying
electricity.   Did you know that atoms and electrons are needed to make the atoms equal.  We
 also looked at circuits when the circuit is open the electricity wont flow. When the circuit is closed
 the electricity will flow. We watched a video called this too shall pass.  You should watch it too.

                              In social studies we are learning about explorers. Amerigo Vespucci , and how he was the first one to relies he was in a different country . And Ferdinand Magellan , and how he was the first one to travel around the world.
                              When you are writing a personal essay you get to express your a opinion about a topic you feel strong about. First, you would have to think about a thesis statement. A thesis statement is when you think of a statement like Baseball is the Best Sport. Then, you would think of supporting evidence like a mini story or a survey. When your done with your supporting evidence you will be able to lay out what order you want your paragraphs to be in. There are three paragraphs. After that you would make a rough draft and afterwards you will revise and edit. When you revise you might want to change about five to ten words into a synonym. When you are done with that you would do COPS. Capital, Organization, Punctuation, and Spelling. When you are done you can make your final or type it. That's how you write an essay.

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