Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012

     This week in Science we finished learning about sound.  It was really cool learning about how your ear works.  We started to learn about solids, liquids and gases this week.  It was very cool to see what kinds of gases, liquids and solids there are.  Solids, liquids and gases are also known as matter.

          This week in Health, we learned about how drugs can be medicine. We learned about which drugs are good and which ones are bad. Good drugs are ones that gt you over a sickness or cold. Bad drugs  can kill you! So I recommend  not taking bad drugs because they are really bad!

    During Social Studies in Mr.Weinstein's.  fifth grade class, we learned about the Colombian exchange. That's when Christopher Columbus established a trade route  Taino people. By doing this he made one of the most important trade routes in the world.

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012

This week in Social Studies we read and wrote about different explorers. The 2 explorers we read about were Hernando Cortes and Vasco Nunez de Balboa. Hernando Cortes was a conquistador and he conquered the Aztecs. Vasco Nunez de Balboa ran away on a ship from Spain to Columbia. He became governor there and killed a whole tribe of Natives with his man-eating dogs.

This week in gym we started juggling. It is a fun thing to do. If you have scarfs and foam balls this will be easy! Just follow my instructions and practice everyday you will become a master juggler! Just listen to my instructions and you will be GOLDEN!!


   1. Take one scarf and start throwing it from one hand to the other in a figure eight shape.
   2. Take another scarf and start throwing it with the other scarf in a figure eight shape one scarf goes up         another goes up then catch both one then two.
   3.Take in number three up up catch up catch.
if you look like a clown juggling your doing it right!!! And if you didn't learn from this tutorial YouTube one!

    Hello, In art this week we made Sturbridge Village brochures sense we went to Old sturbridge Village for our 5th grade field trip. Our brochure was about how you should go visit Old Sturbridge, and what you would see!!! It was a really nice place, the people their made cool things, the farm had cute animals and i felt like i was in a whole different place. (which i was)
Thank You for reading!!!!!!