As I reflect back on what I am thankful for as a teacher this holiday season, there are several things that come to mind...
- I am thankful that my students are kind, caring, and take their responsibilities as learners seriously. Most of the learning we do now involves some type of collaborative work. The children are able to work with partners and with groups of varying sizes equally well. This is quite early in the school year to be able to learn in this style so easily. It shows that they clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in the classroom seriously. The benefit of this type of learning is that the students actually discover and own their own knowledge, rather than me giving it to them. They also learn how to manage time, divide up responsibilities, and solve problems on their own.
- I am thankful that my students are empathetic. After the horrible events in Connecticut, we had a very thoughtful, mature, and meaningful conversation about our feelings. Thank you to the parents for discussing this with your children in a thoughtful and caring manner. It really helped!
- I am thankful for being able to teach in a school that is truly a community of caring, lifelong learners. Every day, we learn from each other, and with each other.
Jeff Weinstein